Player Roster
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Handle | City | Division |
Aaron Baedke | Vermillion | 12-13 Girls |
Aaron Keller | Sioux Falls | 12-13 Boys |
Aaron Olson | Fort Pierre | 16-18 Overall |
Abbie Westra | Sioux falls | 16-18 Overall |
Adam Chandler | Vermillion | 14-15 Boys |
Adam Gulsvig | SIOUX FALLS | 10-11 Boys |
Adam Kulesa | Pierre | 12-13 Boys |
Adam Murphy | Mitchell | 9 & Under Boys |
Adam Peterson | Brandon | 16-18 Overall |
Adley Thompson | Sioux Falls | 10-11 Girls |
Alec Johnson | Vermillion | 14-15 Boys |
Alison Kennedy | Spearfish | 16-18 Overall |
Allison Meyerink | Mitchell | 16-18 Overall |
Allyson Sinksen | Sioux Falls | 9 & Under Girls |
Alyssa Schafer | Watertown | 10-11 Girls |
Amanda Schelske | Mitchell | 9 & Under Boys |
Amber Brooks | Vermillion | 10-11 Girls |
Andrew Rasmussen | Spearfish | 16-18 Overall |
Anthony Zebroski | Sioux Falls | 16-18 Overall |
Aric Blom | Sioux Falls | 16-18 Overall |
Aryn Roerig | Sioux falls | 16-18 Overall |
Austin Hieb | Aberdeen | 16-18 Overall |
Ava Eliason | Mitchell | 16-18 Overall |
Ben Stewart | RAPID CITY | 10-11 Boys |
Bill Schaefer | Yankton | 12-13 Girls |
Blaine Bacon | Dell Rapids | 12-13 Girls |
Bo Sandness | Sioux Falls | 14-15 Girls |
Braeden Strain | Rapid City | 16-18 Overall |
Brandon Kruger | Sioux Falls | 10-11 Boys |
Brent Antonen | Sioux Falls | 16-18 Overall |
Brent Reausaw | Sturgis | 9 & Under Girls |
Brian Cooper | Sioux Falls | 14-15 Boys |
Brian Eliason | Mitchell | 16-18 Overall |
Brian Norberg | Watertown | 16-18 Overall |
Bryce Gillen | Mitchell | 10-11 Boys |
Bryce Thompson | Sioux Falls | 14-15 Boys |
Brynlee Baedke | Vermillion | 12-13 Girls |
Brynn Roehrich | Watertown | 14-15 Girls |
Bryson One Star | White River | 16-18 Overall |
Brytten Brooks | Vermillion | 10-11 Girls |
Carson Stewart | Rapid City | 10-11 Boys |
Carter Brown | Vermillion | 9 & Under Boys |
Carter Peterson | Sioux Falls | 16-18 Overall |
Chad Knapp | Rapid City | 16-18 Overall |
Charlie Mack | Watertown | 12-13 Boys |
Charlie Rasmussen | Spearfish | 16-18 Overall |
Charlie Swift | Harrisburg | 16-18 Overall |
Chris Broz | Tyndall | 12-13 Boys |
Clint Olson | Sioux Falls | 16-18 Overall |
Cole Rusk | Sioux Falls | 14-15 Boys |
Colin Beitelspacher | Bowdle | 12-13 Girls |
Cory Lunn | Brookings | 16-18 Overall |
Cory Peterson | Sioux Falls | 16-18 Overall |
Damian Greble | SIOUX FALLS | 16-18 Overall |
Damon Rusk | Sioux Falls | 14-15 Boys |
Dan Hansen | Brookings | 12-13 Boys |
Dana Limbo | Sturgis | 14-15 Boys |
Daniel Sova | Sioux Falls | 9 & Under Boys |
Danny Sinksen | Sioux Falls | 9 & Under Girls |
Darren Newborg | Tea | 16-18 Overall |
David Carr | Vermillion | 16-18 Overall |
David Hettick | Roscoe | 14-15 Boys |
David Swift | Harrisburg | 16-18 Overall |
Denver Kindt | harrisburg | 16-18 Overall |
Devin Kruger | Sioux Falls | 10-11 Boys |
DeVonne Sesler | Tyndall | 12-13 Boys |
Doug Olson | Watertown | 16-18 Overall |
Duke Stofferahn | Canistota | 9 & Under Boys |
Easton Miller | Sioux Falls | 16-18 Overall |
Eli Anema | Harrisburg | 16-18 Overall |
Emma Reinesch | Mitchell | 12-13 Girls |
Eric Earley | Brookings | 16-18 Overall |
Eric Heath | Sisseton | 12-13 Girls |
Evan Kindt | Harrisburg | 16-18 Overall |
Evelyn Auen | Vermillion SD | 16-18 Overall |
Everett Sage | Sioux Falls | 10-11 Boys |
Everly Bruening | Yankton | 12-13 Girls |
Faith Roehrich | Watertown | 12-13 Girls |
Finley Young | Rapid City | 14-15 Girls |
Floyd Rummel | Madison | 14-15 Girls |
Gabe Norberg | WATERTOWN | 16-18 Overall |
Gabi Olson | Watertown | 16-18 Overall |
Gavin Frank | Elk Point | 12-13 Boys |
Geneva Fredrickson | Sioux Falls | 16-18 Overall |
Genevieve Golz | Aberdeen | 10-11 Girls |
Grady Reynolds | Sioux falls | 9 & Under Boys |
Grayden Veurink | Lennox | 14-15 Boys |
Greg Heiberger | Brookings | 12-13 Boys |
Greyson Zebroski | Watertown | 12-13 Boys |
Griffin Lyle | Mitchell | 10-11 Boys |
Gus Mack | Watertown | 12-13 Boys |
Hank Carlson | Sioux Falls | 10-11 Boys |
Harper Schnabel | Sioux Falls | 16-18 Overall |
Hayden Heig | Rapid City | 16-18 Overall |
Hayden Scott | Sioux Falls | 16-18 Overall |
Issak Earley | Brookings | 16-18 Overall |
Jack Bartlett | Pierre | 16-18 Overall |
Jack Baszler | Brookings | 12-13 Boys |
Jack Johnson | Vermillion | 14-15 Boys |
Jack Mack | Watertown | 14-15 Boys, 16-18 Overall |
Jackson Gillen | Mitchell | 10-11 Boys |
Jackson Swartz | Rapid City | 16-18 Overall |
Jackson Wiles | Hermosa | 16-18 Overall |
Jade Veurink | Lennox | 14-15 Boys |
Jake Pugh | Miller | 10-11 Boys |
Jalen Dwire | Sioux Falls | 14-15 Boys |
James Auen | Vermillion | 16-18 Overall |
Jared Baszler | Brookings | 12-13 Boys |
Jared C Baszler | - | 9 & Under Boys |
Jared Schnabel | Sioux Falls | 16-18 Overall |
Jason Roehrich | Watertown | 14-15 Girls |
JASON Wilhelm | Miller | |
Jayce Pugh | Miller | 16-18 Overall |
Jayden Antonen | Sioux Falls | 16-18 Overall |
Jayson Branaugh | Tyndall | 14-15 Boys |
Jeff Meyerink | Mitchell | 16-18 Overall |
Jerome Zebroski | Watertown | 16-18 Overall |
Jim Sorensen | Beresford | 16-18 Overall |
Joe Strain | Rapid City | 12-13 Girls |
John Long | Pine Ridge | 12-13 Girls |
John Lyle | Mitchell | 10-11 Boys |
John Urban | Rapid City | 12-13 Boys |
John Wiles | Hermosa | 16-18 Overall |
Jon Brooks | Vermillion | 9 & Under Boys |
Jordyn Rummel | Madison | 9 & Under Girls |
Josh Daiss | Hill City | 16-18 Overall |
Josh Miller | Sioux Falls | 16-18 Overall |
Justin Baker | Tea | 14-15 Boys |
Justin Christensen | Sioux Falls | 16-18 Overall |
Justin Stofferahn | Canistota | 9 & Under Boys |
Justin Zeigler | Winner | 10-11 Boys |
Kaitlin Strain | Rapid City | 12-13 Girls |
Kalen Larson | Aberdeen | 16-18 Overall |
Karla Cotton | Sioux Falls | 9 & Under Boys |
Karsyn Kopp | Sturgis | 10-11 Girls |
Kasey Keller | Rapid City | 10-11 Boys |
Kash Pugh | Miller | 9 & Under Boys |
Kasten Dede | Sioux Falls | 14-15 Boys |
Katie Betsworth | Dakota Dunes | 14-15 Girls |
Keegan Rachetto | Rapid City | 12-13 Boys |
Keeton Newborg | Tea | 16-18 Overall |
Kenzley Heath | Sisseton | 12-13 Girls |
Keystone Kopp | Sturgis | 9 & Under Boys |
Kipton Kopp | Sturgis | 9 & Under Boys |
Kory Frank | Elk Point | 12-13 Boys |
Kyler Limbo | Sturgis | 14-15 Boys |
Lance Fredrickson | Sioux Falls | 16-18 Overall |
Landon Baker | Sioux Falls | 14-15 Boys |
Lauren Knapp | Rapid City | 16-18 Overall |
Lawrence Sova | Sioux Falls | 9 & Under Boys |
Leni Mack | Watertown | 10-11 Girls |
Leo Daiss | Hill City | 16-18 Overall |
Leo Sarmiento | Sioux Falls | 16-18 Overall |
Levi Weischedel | Elk Point | 9 & Under Boys |
Liam Heiberger | Brookings | 12-13 Boys |
Liam Sarmiento | Sioux Falls | 16-18 Overall |
Lincoln Houska | Pierre | 16-18 Overall |
Lincoln Trasamar | Sioux Falls | 10-11 Boys |
Lincoln Zeigler | Winner | 10-11 Boys |
Liza Reinesch | Mitchell | 12-13 Girls |
Logan Baszler | Brookings | 9 & Under Boys |
Luke Olson | Fort Pierre | 16-18 Overall |
Lydia Schafer | WATERTOWN | 10-11 Girls |
Maddie Rummel | Madison | 14-15 Girls |
Maddison Bacon | Dell Rapids | 12-13 Girls |
Madelynn Lahren | Brandon | 10-11 Girls |
Mark Burket | Platte | 14-15 Boys |
Matt Sage | Sioux Falls | 10-11 Boys |
Matthew Kees | De Smet | 16-18 Overall |
Max Kees | De Smet | 16-18 Overall |
Max Vincelli | Brandon | 12-13 Boys |
Maxwell Brooks | Vermillion | 9 & Under Boys |
Megan Rummel | Madison | 9 & Under Girls |
Megan Sampson | Sioux Falls | 14-15 Girls |
Micah Mauney | Hartford | 16-18 Overall |
Michael Branaugh | tyndall | 14-15 Boys |
Mike Bartlett | Pierre | 16-18 Overall |
Mike Reede | Spearfish | 16-18 Overall |
Mike Scott | Sioux Falls | 16-18 Overall |
Mike Swartz | Rapid City | 16-18 Overall |
Monty Bohrer | Sioux Falls | 14-15 Boys |
Nathan Golz | Aberdeen | 10-11 Girls |
Nathan Reynolds | Sioux Falls | 9 & Under Boys |
Niccole Mack | - | 16-18 Overall |
Nicholas Heig | Rapid City | 16-18 Overall |
Nicholas Helseth | Sioux Falls | 16-18 Overall |
Nick Bothun | Pierre | 16-18 Overall |
Nick Brown | Sioux Falls | 10-11 Boys |
Noah Hansen | Brookings | 12-13 Boys |
Noah Keller | Rapid City | 10-11 Boys |
Oakley Urban | Rapid City | 12-13 Boys |
Otto Weischedel | Elk Point | 9 & Under Boys |
Paisley Neale | Watertown | 10-11 Girls |
Parker Reede | Spearfish | 16-18 Overall |
Quinton Hollan | Sioux Falls | 14-15 Boys |
Randy Kuiper | Midland | 12-13 Boys |
Ray Thompson | - | 10-11 Girls |
Raymond Thompson | Sioux Falls | 12-13 Boys |
Reece Burket | Platte | 12-13 Boys |
Rich Crow Eagle | St. Francis | 16-18 Overall |
Rick Bartlett | Sioux Falls | 14-15 Boys |
Rigley Kulesa | Pierre | 12-13 Boys |
Riley Christensen | Sioux Falls | 16-18 Overall |
Riley D Pugh | - | 10-11 Boys |
Riley Pugh | Miller | 16-18 Overall |
Rob Hollan | Sioux Falls | 14-15 Boys |
Robert Pugh | Miller | 9 & Under Boys |
Ronnie Wilharm | Vermillion | 14-15 Girls |
Ruth Kopp | Sturgis | 10-11 Girls |
Ruth Long | Pine Ridge | 12-13 Girls |
Ryan Anema | Harrisburg | 16-18 Overall |
Ryan Kennedy | Bennington | 16-18 Overall |
Ryan Neale | Watertown | 10-11 Girls |
Ryan Trasamar | Sioux Falls | 10-11 Boys |
Ryan Vincelli | Brandon | 12-13 Boys |
Ryken Helseth | Sioux Falls | 16-18 Overall |
Rylan Burket | Platte | 14-15 Boys |
Rylan Moran | Vermillion | 14-15 Boys |
Sam Gulsvig | Sioux Falls | 10-11 Boys |
Sarah Strain | Rapid City | 16-18 Overall |
Sawyer Cotton | Sioux Falls | 9 & Under Boys |
Sawyer Sonnenschein | Fort Pierre | 16-18 Overall |
Sawyer Thompson | Sioux Falls | 12-13 Boys |
Scarlett Sampson | Sioux falls | 14-15 Girls |
Scott Bothun | Pierre | 16-18 Overall |
Seth Hettick | Roscoe | 14-15 Boys |
Stephanie Carr | Vermillion | 16-18 Overall |
Steve Eide | Mount Vernon | 16-18 Overall |
Steve Mack | Watertown | 10-11 Girls |
Stu Betsworth | North Sioux City | 14-15 Girls |
Summer Reausaw | Sturgis | 9 & Under Girls |
Taten Mauney | Hartford | 16-18 Overall |
Taylor Jacobsen | Sioux Falls | 9 & Under Boys |
Taylor Sonnenschein | Fort Pierre | 16-18 Overall |
Ted Wilharm | Vermillion | 14-15 Girls |
Theodore Weischedel | Elk Point | 9 & Under Boys |
Tim Dwire | Sioux Falls | 14-15 Boys |
Tom Carlson | Sioux Falls | 10-11 Boys |
Tommy Brown | Sioux Falls | 10-11 Boys |
Tori Peterson | Flandreau | 16-18 Overall |
Trysten Eide | Mount Vernon | 16-18 Overall |
Tyler Brown | VERMILLION | 9 & Under Boys |
Tyler Rachetto | Rapid City | 12-13 Boys |
Tyler Roerig | Sioux Falls | 16-18 Overall |
Tyler Westra | Sioux Falls | 16-18 Overall |
Tyson Blom | Sioux Falls | 16-18 Overall |
Tyson Lunn | Brookings | 16-18 Overall |
Vince Lahren | Brandon | 10-11 Girls |
Ward Youngblom | Yankton | 16-18 Overall |
Wesley Weischedel | Sioux Falls | 9 & Under Boys |
Will Peterson | Brandon | 16-18 Overall |
William Youngblom | Yankton | 16-18 Overall |
Wyatt Cooper | Sioux Falls | 14-15 Boys |
Zach Greble | Sioux Falls | 16-18 Overall |